Hello, very good, in this writing I would like to express a totally sincere opinion and ask you to please take it into account;
I am a fan of your brand and pioneer products, browsing the web and trying your rb dmx 1 product from my own experience, I have seen several things that could make the program much better, until recently I used serato and soundswitch and decided to change to pioneer because I think it's better for my work, I feel more comfortable and when it comes to using dmx I prefer an all-in-1 system like yours than having to work with 2 programs at the same time, so switch to rekordbox and buy your rb dmx 1, but if you allow me, it would be great if they added in some update, a table of colors already established for the luminaires including black light (ultraviolet), also some function such as a fader to quickly adjust the intensity of the lights, to be able to assign by groups the luminaires and finally have the option of being able to use smoke machines that fulfill their function and are assignable.
I love Rekordbox and everything it has works perfectly but I think that adding these options as quick options to the rekordbox lighting program would be much more fluid, better and more competent when it comes to being able to work professionally since we would all save much more time.
Thank you very much for your attention, from Spain;
Pablo Ortiz, Kind regards.
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Official comment
Hello Pablo,
Thank you for your feedback to the rekordbox lighting features. rekordbox lighting engineers added the features you kindly requested to the Feature Request List.
Also, if you want to use UV or Smoke, please try using them with the feature "DMX direct control" of rekordbox lighting. For further details of DMX Direct Control, please see page 72-74 of the rekordbox lighting manual from the link below.
Pioneer DJ Support
1 comment