Hdj-X5 Hairline cracks after 4 months of usage

Hdj-X5 Hairline cracks after 4 months of usage

Savvas Savva

Hdj-X5 Hairline cracks after 4 months of usage


  I have the hdj x5 headphones and after 4 months of normal use , it develops hairline cracks. I bought it from authorized store, and the reseller cant offer a replacement. Why pioneer authorized resellers not cover this factory defect? Please see the photos. Is there any way to get a replacement, because I have 1,5 years warranty left. This product costs 99Euro and it is expensive for me.

Daniel Henault

I have the same issue with HDJ-X5BT. The same plastic part that connects the earphones body to the headband is cracking after a few months usage. I went to the seller, they replaced the complete unit, then the new one started to crack at the same exact place on both sides. I always take cake of my equipments and i am very disappointed about this bad quality parts. I will have to contact again the seller or distributor, i don't want a third replacement that will break again and again.... More to come!

Savvas Savva

I didn't manage to got a replacement for mine. I try to glue it together, but no luck. It fall apart near the glue section. I have another pair of btx5 and is the older model, that not suffer from this eco plastic issue. I use this and the cables and the other pads.I understand the eco friendly regulation, but I didn't manage to get a replacement. It's a shame that no warranty covers it for my country and for the poor quality. I switch brand for my on going purchases. There are cheaper and better brands out there.

Max Ramirez

Hi I gonna try to respond or give my opinion to this piece of crap product, this is the worst product never again. And for my bad luck I buy 2 one for a gift but still in box I try to sale before brake in parts like the others. Almost $300 of garbage.


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