CDJ3000: Filter on the KEY improvement
In Rekordbox Desktop, when matching tunes to KEY, there's the option Relative key 2. Basically it says a 2A track is compatible with 1A, 2B and 3A tracks, as well as 1B and 3B tracks. which is totally correct.
But in CDJ3000 Rekordbox app, the filter is limited and doesn't let me choose the relative key matching bahaviour. It's basically fixed to what I think is called "Relative key 1", matching a 2A track to 1A, 2B and 3A only.
It would be great is the 3 options found in the desktop app could be used also on the Media player app (i.e. the cdj3000).
The benefit to the user is obvious (I assume), but the behaviour between the desktop app and the media player app would also be more syned.
Additionaly, and on a personal level I think a free choice option could also be useful, in case I would want to see tracks only in C and Am for instance.
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